It’s Our Community, Let’s Keep It Safe


Address Signs

Seconds count in emergencies. Reflective address signs save time when emergency crews are responding to your house. We sell these signs for $20 and will happily install them for you.


Indiana Homeland Security Foundation

Did you know there is a way to show your support for Fire, EMS, and Police personnel throughout Indiana? The Indiana BMV offers a license plate called the "Secure Indiana" plate. Not only will public safety know you support them when they see it on your vehicle, they also receive funds and support through the Indiana Homeland Security Foundation. That's right, the proceeds from the sale of these plates are given to the Foundation which in turn give grants to help fund critical needs in local departments throughout Indiana. For more info, Click Here.


Smoke Detectors

Cataract Volunteer Fire Department will install smoke detectors in your home if you do not have one, for free.


Knox Box

This is a secure way to store a key/ keys to your house or property on site to allow only emergency responders to make entry without damage to help you in a medical emergency or to determine your fire alarm is a false alarm or a minor problem. Much cheaper than even the insurance deductible if we have to break the door to enter.
Learn more on the Knox Box website Here

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A free call to 811 at least 2 working days ahead will have the underground utilities including electric, telephone/ cable, natural gas, city water, city sewer, and large pipelines located in 2 working days so you can dig safely. It's the LAW and can save your life, property, and money in utility repairs.


Owen County Community Foundation

The training tower pictured above was built thanks to help from a Owen County Community Foundation grant, other funding sources, and many hours of labor from the members of the department. You can help our department and other charitable causes by making a contribution to the Owen County Community Foundation to the Cataract Volunteer Fire Department Fund, Cataract/ Jennings Township Fund or the Fire & Emergency Fund. This can even be set up in your will to have a lasting legacy to help others. All contributions are tax deductible and your money will allow us and other county fire departments to receive grants every year instead of a one time purchase. Make your donation keep giving forever. Check out the foundation here.